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논문투고시스템 접속
학회지 자료 (eISSN: 2733-4953)

자료검색 > 학회지 자료

23권 1호 The Policy Process of Professional Compensation System for Teachers (ProComp): An Application of Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Framework
 작성일 : 2020-04-25  조회수 : 1,475
   03안형기_안용진.pdf (534.6K) [19] DATE : 2020-04-25 23:16:49
Teacher pay-for-performance (PFP) has been one of the most controversial debates
among public sector performance-based salary system. As important as it is, PFP has been
studied by over multiple disciplines in addition to policy studies, mostly focusing on the
effects such as students’ test scores and teachers’ wage. However, not many studies have
touched on its adoption, that is, the policy process. This study aims to explain the adoption
of Professional Compensation System for Teachers (ProComp), which is the first teacher
PFP policy of the US, through the lens of Kingdon’s multiple streams framework. By
providing a rich narration of the local contextual factors and the convergence of the three
streams, this study demonstrates the effectiveness of Kingdon’s model in explaining the
policy process in the education domain.
□ Key words: education policy, policy process theory, Professional Compensation
System for Teachers (ProComp), multiple streams framework, teacher
pay-for -performance, performance-based compensation


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