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학회지 자료 (eISSN: 2733-4953)

자료검색 > 학회지 자료

15권2호 - State TANF Policy Choice in Four Policy Markets: Response to New Demanders
 작성일 : 2011-07-07  조회수 : 622
   11김복태_김대진.pdf (0byte) [8] DATE : 2011-07-07 17:37:33
15권2호 - State TANF Policy Choice in Four Policy Markets: Response to New Demanders TANF policy case has the complexity in it, which would hardly be explained by the single model or theory. In his study, Allison gives us the valuable implication that scholars should approach to it with multiple models when they try to explain the complex policy phenomenon where many actors are interacting in the decision making system. However, most current studies of state welfare policy choices on TANF omit key variables such as unionization, which may have the most influence on state welfare policy making. Considering the multiple facets of TANF as policy phenomenon, the studies focus not only on Downsian approach but also on Dye’s approach, Key’s approach, and Welfare magnet approach In this paper, we put four theoretical approaches in state policy-making of state sanction and time limit policy choice as well as benefit level in order to identify the new demanders and nonlinearity of interparty competition. The results support Downsian policy market as having the most influence on state TANF decision-making on benefit levels, time-limits, and the degree of sanctions. The welfare magnet approach has the expected influence on state TANF decision-making on benefit levels and the degree of sanctions. Unionization provides a strong safeguard against retrenchment welfare policy. Percent of African population is associated with more restrictive or less generous TANF policies. □ Key Words: TANF policy, Downsian Policy Markekt, Key's Policy Market, Welfare Magnet Market, Dawson, Robinson and Dye's Policy Market, Unionization, etc.


Total. 853
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