한국정책과학학회 로고
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논문투고시스템 접속
학회지 자료 (eISSN: 2733-4953)

자료검색 > 학회지 자료

21권 1호 - Institutions, or Perceptions Matter?: Exploring Gender Equality in Korean Public Institutions
 작성일 : 2017-07-04  조회수 : 2,524
   06이은미_이은국_설진배_오승은.pdf (412.9K) [107] DATE : 2017-07-04 18:18:58
Public institutions are intermediate forms of government and private company. It is
established to pursue the publicness and the profitability at the same time. Considering
their publicness and the enormous share of the national economy, the personnel system of
public institutions has great impact on that of private sector.
This study analyses and evaluates the actual conditions of the personnel management
system of public institutions from a gender perspective, and to present future policy
directions. Through survey, it focused on the gender status of public institutions including
local public enterprises, the need for gender statistics, the perception and attitude about
gender characteristics in the personnel system, and the improvement of the institutions.
The public institution personnel system is diagnosed and the gender needs are investigated
by grasping the gender equality perception of the workers.
This research leads us to spread out a family-friendly personnel system and gender
equality in public institutions. It suggests the foundation is required in the personnel
system to operate substantially. It is necessary to build a portal such as replacement
workers and the gender statistics of local public enterprises.
□ Key Words: public institutions, local public enterprises, gender impact analysis and
assessment, personnel system, gender equality


Total. 853
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