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논문투고시스템 접속
학회지 자료 (eISSN: 2733-4953)

자료검색 > 학회지 자료

21권 4호 The Effect of the Shift of White and the Growth of Ethnic Groups on Housing Variables in the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington Metropolitan Area between 2000 and 2010
 작성일 : 2020-04-23  조회수 : 583
   12박치형_안경섭.pdf (272.7K) [3] DATE : 2020-04-23 20:16:31
This article examines the effect of the shift of White and the growth of ethnic groups on
cities' housing variables in the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan areas. The effect
of the shift of White and the growth of ethnic groups is considered as an important fact to
fully explain the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan cities' housing characteristics
with an adequate range of empirical data. Accordingly, the major purpose of this article is to
scrutinize the shift of White and the growth of ethnic groups by analyzing 57 cities' housing
variables, using a cross-sectional data set from Census Bureau 2000-2010 in the
Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs).
Findings are as follows: the shift of White and the growth of ethnic groups (Hispanic and
Asian) except Black affect the rate of growth of housing units in the 57 Dallas-Fort
Worth-Arlington metropolitan cities between 2000 and 2010. Also, the rate of Hispanic
growth decreases the rate of growth of median housing value because of indicating the
negative coefficient. For the rate of growth of home-ownership, all parameters are not any
statistically significant in all significant levels in the 57 Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington
metropolitan cities. For the change rate of gross rent fee, Black growth affects the
decrease of gross rent fee as indicated by the negative coefficient; however, the Asian
growth rate increases the change rate of gross rent fee in the 57 Dallas-Fort
Worth-Arlington metropolitan cities. These findings should be simultaneously considered
by housing policy makers or planners as they try to carry out desirable metropolitan housing
conditions with White and ethnic growth.
□ Key Words: Housing, Metropolitan, Ethnic Groups, White, Growth Rate


Total. 853
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