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학회지 자료 (eISSN: 2733-4953)

자료검색 > 학회지 자료

14권4호- Still Organizational Isomorphism: Searching for an Alternative
 작성일 : 2011-01-11  조회수 : 578
   15김명환.pdf (0byte) [3] DATE : 2011-01-11 13:32:19
14권4호- Still Organizational Isomorphism: Searching for an Alternative Early studies in the sociological stream of new institutionalism lacked considering in-field variation of why they had different institutional designs, which they operated in varying ways. In this context, this paper aims at suggesting a conceptual framework to account for organizational polymorphism rather than organizational isomorphism. The paper starts with theoretically discussing organizational isomorphism, and devotes to analyzing it in terms of three dimensions such as the conceptualization of the environment, the level of analysis, and the relationship between organizations and the environment. And then the paper addresses some strengths and weaknesses of organizational isomorphism. Based on the limitations, in particular, the paper critically reviews several studies as alternatives to organizational isomorphism. Finally, the paper proposes an integrative model of explaining organizational polymorphism as an alternative to organizational isomorphism in response to the institutional environment, which consists of such factors as multiple institutional logics, organizational positions, and organizational belief systems. □ Key Words: institutional environment, organizational isomorphism, organizational polymorphism


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