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학회지 자료 (eISSN: 2733-4953)

자료검색 > 학회지 자료

17권3호 - The Influence of Network Activities on Organizational Learning in the Public Sector: Empirical Evidence from Public Officials of the United States
 작성일 : 2013-10-23  조회수 : 780
   09장호석_하현상.pdf (307.8K) [19] DATE : 2013-10-23 17:55:40
17권3호 - The Influence of Network Activities on Organizational Learning in the Public Sector: Empirical Evidence from Public Officials of the United States
This study explores the influence of networks on organizational learning in the public sector. This study has remarkable contributions in that it systematically considers the influence of network factors that previous studies have overlooked, and examines the influence of the factors on organizational learning, controlling for structural and cultural factors. We categorize influential factors into three dimensions: network, structural, and cultural factors, and organizational learning is defined in terms of a process and an outcome, then build a multivariate model. In this study, we found that while internal networks such as working groups and clear communication significantly facilitate public organizational learning as both a process and an outcome, external networks do not have any significant influence on organizational learning as both a process and an outcome. Non-communication networks only have a substantial effect on organizational learning as a process. In addition, we confirmed that initiative taken for performance and reward/incentive system of structural approach and investment orientation of cultural approach substantially facilitate organizational learning. Policy decision makers need to systematically consider the influence of these factors, carefully configure especially network factors, and effectively improve organizational learning in the public sector.
□ Key Words: Organizational Learning, Internal Network, Communication Network


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