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논문투고시스템 접속
학회지 자료 (eISSN: 2733-4953)

자료검색 > 학회지 자료

13권3호-Paths for Effective Innovation in the Public Sector: Based on Korean Public Employees’ Recognition
 작성일 : 2009-10-19  조회수 : 883
   12권용수.pdf (0byte) [1] DATE : 2009-10-19 14:28:56
13권3호-Paths for Effective Innovation in the Public Sector: Based on Korean Publi c Employees’ Recognition Based on public employees’ recognition, this paper examines the effectiveness an d conditions for successful outcomes in Korean public-sector innovation observed in recent administrative reforms. Using explanatory factor analysis and regression modeling, this research found significant effects of participatory process and qualit y of innovation content change on the innovation effectiveness. However, internal st ructural change and environmental context and legitimacy did not significantly affe ct effectiveness. Based on these findings, this research identifies the critical import ance of internal characteristics, participatory process and quality of innovation cont ent change, in the process successful innovation. In addition, some practical strat egies are suggested for successfully implementing participatory processes and qu ality of innovation content change. □ Key Words: Innovation Effectiveness, Participatory innovation, Quality of Innovati on


Total. 858
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