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논문투고시스템 접속
학회지 자료 (eISSN: 2733-4953)

자료검색 > 학회지 자료

16권4호 - Redefining Local Budgeting Decision-Making through Civic Group Inputs, Public Entrepreneurship and Institutions: The Case of Local Designated Funding for Energy Conservation
 작성일 : 2013-01-16  조회수 : 768
   14배정아.pdf (0byte) [12] DATE : 2013-01-16 16:35:54
16권4호 - Redefining Local Budgeting Decision-Making through Civic Group Inputs, Public Entrepreneurship and Institutions: The Case of Local Designated Funding for Energy Conservation Much of the previous literature on this subject suggests that public budgeting is decided in a process of muddling through, with occasional punctuations produced by crises. Decision making is characterized by iron triangles or issue networks seeking to preserve their status quo or maximize their interests through manipulation of political and economic crises. This paper further investigates these phenomena by redefining local budgeting decisions through the influence of citizen support, public entrepreneurship and institutional structures. It also extends institutional political economy to budget decisions by investigating how civic group inputs, public entrepreneurship and institutional structures influence decisions to dedicate funding for sustainability in the local budget. We know that forms of local government often shape policy decisions and public entrepreneurship can influences innovation in local budgeting. This paper hypothesizes that civic group support influences budget choices in a similar way. □ Key Words: Local Budgeting, Civic Group Inputs, Public Entrepreneurship, □ Key Words: Institutions


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